A Hairy Issue | Los Angeles Family Photographer

In four weeks I get to see my kiddos! I can’t wait. Mostly because I am hoping M’s hair will have its act together. Through the years, we have battled it. It’s really funny to look back on it all.

I love this first photo of M. She looks so sweet. The funny thing is her hair is kind of crazy in it. You have to understand that M’s family is full of do-it-yourself-ers. If you visit their home, you might just be able to give M. a haircut~ I have done it along with anyone else who is willing.

We have a headband in her hair because we actually took her somewhere to get it cut after her twin brothers decided to hack a chunk of bangs/side hair off. Unfortunately the professional at Cost-Cutters must have had an infatuation with a certain brainy cartoon character of the ’70s. She made M’s hair form a perfect circle around her face- she looked like Velma.

This would just not do, so I tried to hide it but failed. Here is the headband solution:

Er, something odd is definitely going on with that hair

Meh, it’s alright. But look what we were working from. This is AFTER we tried to correct it ourselves. I would probably star looking like a villian if this were on my head too, M. (weeps)

The other problem with the haircut is the starting point of the bangs. This really adds to the Velma-esque issue.  Her bangs start at the back of her head. I have never had bangs, but they aren’t supposed to do that, right?? See:

My next way to deal with it was lumpy pigtails. But why, oh why, did the “stylist” make the bangs go so circular across her forhead? M. digs deep to try to understand:

So, since this is how I left M., I’m sure you can appreciate why I’m looking forward to growth in this area. Let’s look back through time a little:

I have NO IDEA what happened to her hair this time, but I remember this moment, and the only reason there is no snot on her nose is because she wiped it on my leg:

(Just for kicks, check out her brother’s same weepy face, circa 2005?):

Back to M:

Ooooo, a cute one!!

That has only happened once that I know of. Notice the distance between the hair and the eyebrows on the left side of her face, then compare that distance on the right side. Hrmph. :-/

Let’s just try out wet ‘n wild!:

Yes, we let her walk around like this:

This is probably, your best bet, M.:

Yes, put the hat back on:

By this point it looks like those of us around M. have failed her. To end this piece, I present the only grainy photos of M. taking care of things herself. She gave herself this haircut:

We're sorry.

We're so, so sorry.

It’s a good thing hair grows.

I can’t wait to see M. and the crew!

pastel photography